Vladimir Sedach

Have Emacs - Will Hack

March 15, 2009

Parenscript Development Environment proposal

Topic: Lisp

A while ago I mentioned I was going to announce some exciting news about web development tools. Shortly thereafter my priorities changed, and I shelved the project with the intention of picking it up again in the future. Then I remembered about LispNYC's participation in the Google Summer of Code program - if I cannot do the project myself right now, maybe I can mentor a student work on it.

Here is what all this is about:

The project has its roots in the "browser Comet REPL" demo I gave during my talk about Parenscript at LispNYC in September 2007, but the idea of making a "browser SLIME" did not occur to me until this past November, when Daniel Gackle asked me: "Why don't you make a browser SLIME?"

If you are a student that might be interested in this project and qualify to participate in Google SoC, or know of such an individual, please get in touch. I will be happy to answer any questions and help you with preparing an application. Google will start accepting student applications March 23rd, with the cut-off date being April 3rd.

UPDATE: LispNYC has not been selected as a mentoring organization for SOC 2009. I would like to fund this project myself, but currently cannot afford it.