Topic: Lisp
Here is a neat hack I came up with to do compile-time
intra-application link checking for a web application that I wrote.
The mechanism is based
on eval-when
facility of Common Lisp, and also uses
the *compile-file-pathname*
and *load-pathname*
variables to provide the names of the files where the offending links
The ASDF definition of the application looks like:
(asdf:defsystem :cct
:serial t
:components ((:file "resource-definition")
;; other files
;; link checker (goes last)
(:file "uri-reference-checker"))
Where resource-definition.lisp defines the page-definition and link-reference macros:
(in-package :cct)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(defparameter *defined-uri-list* ())
(defparameter *referenced-uri-list* ()))
(defmacro/ps resolve-resource (resource-identifier)
(pushnew (cons resource-identifier
(or *compile-file-pathname* *load-pathname*))
:test #'equal)
(symbol-to-uri resource-identifier))
(set-dispatch-macro-character #\# #\/
(lambda (stream subchar arg)
(declare (ignore subchar arg))
(let* ((base-uri
(with-output-to-string (collector)
(loop until (member
(peek-char nil stream nil #\Space t)
'(#\Space #\Newline #\Tab #\? #\) #\{))
do (princ (read-char stream) collector))))
(page (read-from-string base-uri)))
`(concat-url (resolve-resource ,page)
,@(uri-template:read-uri-template stream)))))
(defmacro concat-url (&rest fragments)
`(format nil "~@{~A~}" ,@fragments))
(defpsmacro concat-url (&rest fragments)
`(+ ,@fragments))
(defmacro define-page (page-name
(&key parameters (default-request-type :both))
&body body)
(flet ((process-parameter (p)
(if (atom p)
(list (first p)
:parameter-type (list 'quote (second p))))))
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel :execute)
(pushnew '(,page-name) *defined-uri-list* :test #'equal))
(define-easy-handler (,page-name
:uri ,(symbol-to-uri page-name)
:default-request-type ,default-request-type)
,(mapcar #'process-parameter parameters)
(if (and ,@(mapcar (lambda (x)
(if (atom x)
(car x)))
(progn ,@body)
(redirect "/cct"))))))
The link-reference mechanism is implemented as a macro character which builds on the uri-template facility. You certainly do not need to do it this way, but I find URI templates to be quite convenient. The only thing I dislike is the special-casing of the termination symbols (whitespace, closing paren). If you know of a better way, please let me know.
Note the defpsmacro - this is a Parenscript macro definition, which lets the same link-checking mechanism (and uri-template, which is Parenscript-compatible) work with Parenscript code, which is transformed into JavaScript and can then construct (compile-time checked) URIs dynamically in the browser.
uri-reference-checker.lisp runs after all the page definitions have been made and consists of:
(in-package :cct)
(eval-when (:compile-toplevel :load-toplevel)
(dolist (unreferenced-uri
(set-difference *referenced-uri-list*
:key #'car))
"Reference warning: referencing unknown URI resource ~a in file ~a"
(car unreferenced-uri) (cdr unreferenced-uri))))
You could also provide warnings for defined URIs that have no references.
The actual application code then looks something like:
(loop for date in dates do
(htm (:li (:a :href #/bank-rec-report?date={date} (str date)))))
This is a pattern that I think can be applied to most web applications.